Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ole Henriksen Truth To Go Wipes


           Something I've been really liking these days are the Ole Henriksen Truth To Go Vitamin C wipes. They are cleansing wipes that have Vitamin C and micro algae and they smell like an Orange Creamsicle. These really take off any face makeup and even eye makeup. You have to be careful not to get the wipe directly on your eyeball or it will sting, but just wiping it over the eyes hasn't caused me any trouble. I usually use coconut oil to remove eye makeup but when I am too lazy to be bothered with that, I can just use these babies. I still wash my face after using these, but for nights when I am too tired this is much better than just sleeping in makeup. I feel that these clean better than regular drugstore wipes and they are huge, you can cut them in half and still have enough to get your face and neck.

Ingredient List

 In Sephora stores they offer a travel pack with ten wipes for $6 if you feel like trying them out. This pack of 30 is $15 and is available in Sephora stores and online.

1 comment:

  1. I have used these wipes and they are very good.Clean face well and skin feels great.Smell good too.
